Standard Schedule

Registration opens at 7:00 am. The track owner will collect a $10 per person for the day or $15 per person for the weekend wristband entry fee at the gate, also any campers/RV pay a fee of $15, please be prepared. Riders may then proceed to the paddock to set up their pit area. Fuel is available for purchase at the track. The rider's meeting will be held at 8:00 am for all riders and their guests. Track day information, including flags, entry & exit procedures, guest observation areas, and safety will be discussed. At 9:00 am the orientation laps will be conducted. These laps are required for riders on their first visit to Chuckwalla and optional for our “repeat offenders”. At the conclusion of the orientation laps, the track will be open for all riders and will remain open until 4:00 pm. Riders can ride as much or as little as they desire during this period. The track will only be closed for reasons of safety (e.g. crash recovery) and for a 1-hour lunch break from 12:00 pm to 1 pm (Track Members exempt). Riders are responsible for staying fit to ride throughout the day.

"Beat the Heat" Schedule

For hot spring and late summer events we will often run our "Beat the Heat" schedule. The above schedule moves 2 hours earlier: Registration opens at 5:00, Rider's Meeting at 6:00, track open at 7:00, finish riding at 2:00 pm.